Monday, January 15, 2007

Meet our grandson, Drew

via cell phone photo...........


Cyndy said...

What color is his hair? How about his eyes?

I say red hair and blue or green eyes.......

Marla said...

Megan said his hair was brownish but his eyebrows blonde. Didn't mention eye color....probably sleeping most of the time the first few hours!

Cyndy said...

what the dickens are you doing up at 240AM?
Are you that excited? You need rest to drive!
Go to bed! He is a cutie. Just logged on, it is a
minus 8 in Ankeny. Can Weds get here soon
enough to get out of that miserable weather?
39 in Alamo.....

Marla said...

Actually, it was about 5:30 I logged on!! The night BEFORE I was up and down all night long. :-)