Andy sent me these today and it has me longing to hold my grandson. Of course, this god-forsaken weather in Iowa is another thing pushing me back towards the southwest. I have been in the house since Tuesday. I am starting to go stir crazy. I even asked Mark to take me to a movie and the last theatre movie I saw was Casablanca. Actually it was Titanic, which is about as old. Mark didn't think he cared to go to a movie, though. He told me to get outside and shovel snow. His tenderness and love were shining through with that particular statement. :-) I will "shovel" something, but it won't be snow....enjoy the pics of Drew!
Email me!
Does he have a little red in his hair?
I mentioned that also, but Megan thinks it is Andy's camera giving it that reddish look. I saw a little red in his hair in person, but nothing like the camera portrays. But, we do have redheads in the family.
Does andy's side have any red heads? I think
they skip generations, but I can see some red
in my hair at times. If no red heads, maybe its
the mailman again...........ho ho ho...........
He is such a cutie. I can't wait to meet him someday. Micah can't wait to play catch with him. Stan's putting a golf ball in his hand for now until he can hang on to a baseball. :)
He is such a cutie. I can't wait to meet him someday. Micah can't wait to play catch with him. Stan's putting a golf ball in his hand for now until he can hang on to a baseball. :)
A golf ball for now....what a great idea, one that I will copy! :-) We cannot wait to meet Micah, also. They may be two peas in a pod growing up. Hopefully they see each other a lot! Marla
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