Pictures are of Drew and parents in the pool . Drew was in the pool twice this week-end. I have a feeling he will be in the pool every week-end with his mommy and daddy. I may take him in myself during the week but it does involve a bit of a ritual.....sunscreen, trunks, swimshirt, swim hat and then a bath afterward to wash off the sunscreen and pool water. I may not be up to all that. :-) Sunscreen is a must down here as the sun is always out and always intense. Not many gloomy damp days like I recall in Iowa!
I had my first "all night" babysitting stint yesterday. Megan and Andy attended Megan's firm's Spring Retreat at a resort in Scottsdale. He and I got along just great. To bed at 10 and up this morning at 8:15, the perfect little baby boy! He has been doing that for quite some time so they need to be very grateful about his sleep schedule.
They should feel very blessed with his sleeping schedule! Noah usually sleeps through the night about 5 times a week and he's 5! Last night Emily got up twice and he came in once. No wonder I'm looking so old and wrinkly, I don't get enough sleep! Ugh!
I agree! They should feel very blessed. Ten hours is a long stint at any age!!
P.S. He sure is a cutie!
Since Drew has a credit card,
would he like to take me
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